高中英文广播稿2篇 高中英文广播稿怎么写

时间:2023-02-24 15:50:00 综合范文

  下面是范文网小编收集的高中英文广播稿2篇 高中英文广播稿怎么写,以供参考。

高中英文广播稿2篇 高中英文广播稿怎么写


  "Dear students, it is a warm and sunny day, and the sound of campus radio station is bringing spring breeze to meet everyone! First of all, I would like to listen to our teachers and classmates on the radio. We have a good mood to deal with the work and study of the day.

  B: to feel with your heart, to listen with your heart and let us soar on campus!

  A: please listen to the broadcast today:

  1. Tips

  2. Story treasure chest

  Listen to a tip: cure a cold

  Soak your feet for 15 minutes each night with a warm water bubble. Wash your face in cold water every day. Wash your nose with your hands and gently inhale a little water with your nostrils, then blow it again and again. The two hands are rubbed, and the heat of the palm is used to massage the sinkhole (located in the middle of the nasal groove and lateral nasal margin) for more than 10 times. Pour boiling water into the cup and breathe deeply into the heat until the water is cool. It can relieve the congestion a few times a day. Blow to the temples with a hair dryer for 3 to 5 minutes.

  B: today, what's the story of the story box?


  One boy had a bad temper, so his father gave him a bag of nails. And tell him that every time he loses his temper, he screws a nail into the backyard fence.

  The first day, the boy nailed 37 nails. Slowly the number of spikes was reduced. He found it easier to control his temper than to nail those nails.

  Finally one day the boy would never lose patience temper tantrum, he told his father about this, his father told him that now whenever he can control his temper, just pull out a nail.

  One day the world passed, and finally the boy told his father that he had pulled all the nails out.

  The father took his hand to the back yard and said: you have done well, my good boy. But look at the holes in the hedges that will never return. When you're angry, you'll leave a scar just like these nails. If you stab someone with a knife, no matter how many times you say sorry, the wound will always be there. The pain of words is as unbearable as the real pain.

  Listen to this story I have an idea: people often cause lasting damage because of some unrelenting persistence. If we can all start from ourselves and start treating others with tolerance, we believe that you will receive many unexpected results... Opening a window for others to see a more complete sky...

  A: finally, let's end today's broadcast in a wonderful poem


  The wind rubs in the grass, and the trees are bright and green

  A faint cloud, a clear show, a hazy

  Wreathed in bamboo forest like the sea

  And the scent of flowers

  Curved dream


  Stand between the light and blue smoke

  March birds

  I do not know in the morning wind, is deliberately a pen

  I still paint a picture of ink

  In march, no one could tell

  How many spring events


  Quietly mature


  Flying ideal -- the budding of hope

  Each of us walks from childhood to maturity, like a river.

  When we were young, we had some wonderful, beautiful and slightly naive and unrealistic dreams, just like the five colorful pebbles on the edge of the river. We've all been enchanted with the gorgeous colors. Gradually, we grew up and looked at the goose at the foot

  The pebble moves forward. The source of the river, standing erect a majestic snow mountain, is fascinating. Let's call it ideal. A beautiful word! ~

  Ideal, including our yearning for the future, the hope for the future, and the future good vision.

  Golden childhood, the precipitation of the childhood happiness, precipitation of the subtle rice fragrance. Just like the old woman red, the longer the more fragrant, the longer the more is not satisfied with the aftertaste. My biggest dream is that mom and dad can buy me more toys and treats. It seems to me how naive I was when I was a child.

  Growing up, only gradually understand: "the ideal, not in a delicate flower, needs our eager eye to moisten, more need us to use the sincere heart to care."

  It is true that everyone has ideals, but to make this beautiful ideal a reality, the key is to look at yourself. Take heart in failure, rise up in the spirit, win in the struggle, this is the spirit we want. As the saying goes, "where there is a will, there is a way." I am, as long as we try hard to make a solid study, will make our ideal come true! The ideal is the stone, knock out the spark; Ideal is the lamp that illuminates the way of the night. Ideal is fire, lit out the lamp; The ideal is the road that leads you to the dawn.

  Of course, the ideal is also a momentum, pushing us forward to use undaunted. Let us plant the wings for the ideal, let us fly together our ideal! ~


  Thank you for your attention


  Thank you so much for this

  Is there any good?


  Teachers, like parents, want us to grow up healthily.

  On the day of flowers and flowers, we walked into this happy place on campus and sang happily on the campus of pingan.

  In the days of flowers and flowers, we swam in the ocean of knowledge on university campuses, weaving dreams with our teachers.

  We are willing to use the notes of mood to compose the happy movement of harmonious campus.

  Harmony is a representative concept in traditional Chinese culture, the best state of existence and the common characteristic of all good things. To achieve harmony is the ideal and aspiration of mankind. And to mobilize all positive factors to build a harmonious and civilized campus environment will also be an eternal theme.

  Building harmonious campus need to establish harmonious teacher-student relationship. Teachers, the ministry of teaching and learning, is the teacher gave us the enlightenment of cultural knowledge, from ignorance to know, from naive to mature. The teacher gave us the rain dew of knowledge, what we need is our wholehearted acceptance, cherishing the teacher's work, respecting the teacher's labor. Teachers and students love each other to create a harmonious learning atmosphere.

  Building harmonious campus needs to establish harmonious student relations. Caring for students who have difficulties, let them feel the warmth of harmonious campus. Keep a good attitude, be tolerant with people, and use a sincere heart to change another sincere heart. Students are friendly to each other, thus creating harmonious interpersonal relationship.

  Building a harmonious campus needs to build a good school spirit and good school spirit. We should advocate a vigorous and uplifting team style, a down-to-earth learning spirit, and the goal of studying wind construction to "ideal, unity, self-improvement, and success". A kind of hard work and hard work can promote a person to grow up in a good environment. The good school wind is like spring rain, quietly attract each student to forge ahead, striving for the ideal. The school spirit is positive, thus creating a harmonious education atmosphere.

  Building a harmonious campus needs to establish the style of honesty and civilization. Students trust each other, be honest with each other, honest and practical. In the exam, resolutely prevent fraud, and use honesty and strength to give themselves and the teacher a satisfactory answer. The style is rigorous and civilized, thus creating harmonious campus culture.

  Students, teachers, building a harmonious campus needs all of us to work together, let the thorns in front of us will persevere. In the boundless sea of learning, we must be brave sailors, riding the wind and waves to the future. The footsteps of youth are like flowing water, and the years of youth need the nourishment of knowledge. Let us seize every day of our lives and move forward on the other side of the harmonious campus.

  Raise the ideal sail with our wisdom and courage, and use our youth and life to play the strong voice of The Times. When we abandon the confusion, we grasp the course. When we work together and shake the OARS, the music of the harmonious campus will be played.

  On the day of bloom, let us study happily in the harmonious education atmosphere;

  The day of flowers, let us cultivate sentiment in the harmony of interest.

  Blossom day, let us grow healthily in harmonious human relations.

  The future is not a dream, today, in our hands.


  A little bit of good is the essence


  Work behind

  Everybody envy success, because success can bring peace of mind, not only can bring more material benefit, but on the premise of this and how many people know what is behind the success?

  Success is behind the rocky mountain road.

  Success lies behind the relentless struggle.

  Behind success are hard hands;

  Success comes with hard steps.

  Behind the success are countless failures and setbacks.

  Green spring

  Once upon a time, we often stay in mother's bosom that whine, twinkling of an eye, we will face the employment, into the social big life circle, the childhood scenes as if in front of judah, now we have grown up, will be to their own career.

  17, the age of eight, it is a good vision, have ambition, so we should cherish youth, more want to know the youth is not always present, youth go astray easily affected by the error, so we cannot treat STH lightly, one false move, will be lost, lost is not himself, and all concerned about your loved ones.

  Adolescent we should be warm, active, spirit, self-confident, that some people just four have no confidence to oneself, unhappy all day long, fear that this fear that, and people were gradually alienated, their blockade in the personal world, such not only bad for their relationships, and also have a lot of damage to their physical and mental health, in the face of difficulties are often depressed, escape, disappointed, nothing in the end.

  Youth is ephemeral, it needs us to cherish, some people spend the whole day idle, complain about the people, and do not go to work themselves. What do you mean by this? Youth is not endless long, life has a few youth to bring us to waste?

  We should grasp the youth, cherish the time, use the limited time to make unlimited value.

  In this life the most pure, the most beautiful, the most excited stage, let us fight together! Believe that tomorrow will be better!

  A poem to the teacher

  Not a boat but a sea of knowledge

  Not fire can illuminate each student's life goal

  It's not the sun that protects the millions

  It is not the rain that moistens the young