年商务英语中级写作试题3篇 商务英语写作选择题

时间:2022-10-28 08:51:00 试题

  下面是范文网小编整理的年商务英语中级写作试题3篇 商务英语写作选择题,以供借鉴。

年商务英语中级写作试题3篇 商务英语写作选择题



  Dear Mr Browning

  My present appointment carries an annual salary of £18,500; this was reviewed in March last year.

  During my five years with the company, I feel I have carried out my duties conscientiously and have recently acquired additional responsibilities.

  I feel that my qualifications and the nature of my work justify a higher salary and I have already been offered a similar position with another company at a salary of £20,000 per annum.

  My present duties are interesting and I thoroughly enjoy my work. Although I have no wish to leave the company, I cannot afford to turn down this offer unless some improvement in my salary can be arranged.

  I hope a salary increase will be possible, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

  Yours sincerely



  Subject: ST Training Solutions Annual Dinner and Dance – 10 December 201-.

  ST Training Solutions is celebrating its l0th Anniversary on 10 December 201-. We are holding a special event at the Fullerton Hotel to commemorate the occasion with our staff and guests.

  In order to make this event special and successful, we are looking for contributions from our valued business partners like you. We hope you can donate gifts or vouchers to be given out to prize winners as door gifts, lucky draw prizes or games prizes.

  Please complete the attached contribution form and fax it back to me at 67220739.

  If you have any questions, please give me a call at 62348288.

  I look forward to a positive reply from you soon.

  Many thanks



  This month marks your l0th anniversary as a member of staff of Nature Corporation. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for these past 10 years of fine workmanship and company loyalty.

  We know that the growth and success of our company is largely dependent on having strong and capable staff members like you. We also recognize the contributions you make in helping us maintain the position we enjoy in the industry.

  We are hoping that you will remain with us for many years to come and would like to offer our congratulations on this special anniversary.