我爱读书英文演讲稿3篇 有关读书的英语演讲稿

时间:2023-01-30 05:09:00 演讲稿

  演讲稿具有观点鲜明,内容具有鼓动性的特点。随着社会不断地进步,越来越多人会去使用演讲稿,演讲稿的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是范文网小编收集的我爱读书英文演讲稿3篇 有关读书的英语演讲稿,以供借鉴。

我爱读书英文演讲稿3篇 有关读书的英语演讲稿


  Dear every leader, teacher, dear students:

  Everybody is good, the title of my speech today is: "I love reading!

  When I was a child, I grew up in mother's story. In each night, under the soft light, mother began to tell me interesting story books, listened, I slowly, unwittingly entered the sweet dreams - in blue in the night sky leisurely, I seem to become a star with wings, flying freely in the universe...

  In the process of reading, I also met difficulties. When I read something when swallowed, the teacher taught me: to read without thinking, is equal to eat without digestion; When I was on the words in the book after, mother encouraged me: read a book hundreds of times, its righteousness. Gradually, I see, one to read a good book, reading to accumulate, to read more to think about.

  I love reading. Book is the treasure house of knowledge, it is her, broadened my horizons and enriched my life; Book is the ladder of human, is she, help me to improve and progress; Books are the source of happiness, is her, to give me happiness, brings me satisfaction. Reading, how nice!

"Asked canal which had so much, to have a source to." With the book, we have the whole world; With a book, we will have a better tomorrow! The classmates, and I love reading together! Let elegant companion we grow happily, let books to nourish our life!

  My speech finished, thank you.


  Many students take study as task and they don't have much passion about gaining the knowledge from books. As teenagers, they like to hang out for fun instead of sitting in classroom. But I am enjoying reading books so much. Nowadays, people always say they want to see the world as it is so big. Though I can't travel around the world, for the lack of money and the age, I can see around the world through these books. I get to know different cultures and see the diversity of the world. It's full of charm and inspires me to keep searching the amazing nature. Reading books brings me great happiness.


  Everybody is good, the title of my speech today is "reading and life".

  As is known to all, the book is the ladder of human progress. Books in our life play a very important role. The main reason why It is important, because it always exists in our side, is around us, and everyone is learning knowledge, using knowledge. But some people don't know what reading is to. I think one of the benefits of reading is to adjust state of mind. No matter how we met in living like earlier, can keep a peaceful and calm state of mind and be well prepared to face it. Happily, don't get carried away. When frustrated, don't be too sad, if can't avoid sad, think a way to unblock. Gorky said: the book made me become a happy person. Free time, we might as well read books too. Through reading, we have understood the book love, feel the truth; We know from the book to the history of change, social change. We learn from the book in thinking, put forward valuable questions, learn to grow up.

  Century old man bing xin said: good reading, good read, read good books. It is an axiom. Reading a good book, is talking with a wise man, can make the person mind full, make the person right from wrong. Bi shumin has said, the book is not a rouge, but makes the heart yan resident. Book is not sticks, but will make people are powerful. The book is not a feather, but will make one fly. Book is not everything, but it can make the person. Books are our most loyal partner, the so-called: gone through the book as a couple. Time went by, constantly reading but let us growth knowledge. Don't you want to gain knowledge? If you like, please pick up the book of our life is meaningful, into the book world, swim in the sea of knowledge, it will make you full of ideas, full of wisdom, and, in turn, change your fate, change your life, more let's get back to the truly belong to our self-confidence!

  Thank you for your speech!